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Category:Horry County

Brown Offers Support for Horry County Fire Victims

Posted by: Brown Staff (May 01, 2009, 11:18 AM)

After learning of the catastrophic fire that would eventually damage or destroy over 1500 homes and 20,000 acres in Horry County, my only cause for relief was knowing that the people living in the path of the fire were safe. 

Now, we must focus on the next steps that must be taken to rebuild the area and provide for the members of the community who have lost their homes and property.

I was in Washington when I heard the news, and immediately made contact with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, both in DC and in Atlanta, and with Mayor Hatley. She and I both shared the sentiment that we were grateful that no lives were lost as it is far easier to replace the material things in life.

The Monday following the devastating fire, I visited the affected area to speak with the residents, homeowners and emergency personnel involved in this disaster. I applaud the diligence of these dedicated men and women and echo the sentiments of so many residents who witnessed their diligence and resolve in the face of imminent personal danger.   North Myrtle Beach Mayor Marilyn Hatley, the South Carolina Forestry Commission and all of the local and state officials, who acted in a cooperative spirit should be commended, as well.  

Many of our friends and neighbors are facing a daunting task in putting back the pieces of their lives and re-establishing a sense of normalcy for their families.  We should continue to remember them in our thoughts and prayers.  If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to give me a call at 843-445-6459 or toll free at 888-868-0737.

Posted in Environment and Wildlife, Horry County | View Full Posting


Controlled Burning and How it Effected the Horry County Fire

Posted by: Brown Staff (April 28, 2009, 04:08 PM)

One of the largest fires in state history burned through nearly 20,000 acres and destroyed or damaged more than 150 homes in Horry Country from last Wednesday to Sunday. However, had you visited that same spans of land just 20 years ago much of it was covered by pine plantations owned by timber and paper companies. These companies would maintain the land by regularly conducting controlled burns to rid the forests of the very same underbrush that fueled that massive fire on the edge of Myrtle Beach last week.

Many of the destroyed or damaged homes were built in forestlands that have not been burned with a controlled fire for years and the only effective way to prevent build-up of underbrush and debris in these vast woods is through controlled burns. Fueling the problem is some of the vegetation that grows in the underbrush — wax myrtle and holly. Both have waxy leaves that provide volatile, hot-burning fuel, kind of like gasoline.

I make this point, because I myself, am a patron of the forests and to preserve and maintain my own lands and the surrounding Francis Marion National Forest, I conduct controlled burns periodically on my property in Berkeley County. I do this to prevent wildfires that may uncontrollably burn any area that has not been cleared properly by controlled burning. This was exactly one of the factors that fueled the fire in North Myrtle Beach. Had that land been control burned, thousands of needless acres and millions of dollars of property may have been spared. More simply put, you must have good fires to prevent the bad fires. Hopefully, we can all learn from the devastation of this fire and become better stewards of the land in the future.

Read more from a Post & Courier & Sun News articles on the importance of controlled burning.

Posted in Environment and Wildlife, Horry County | View Full Posting